SuperLU 6.0.1
SRC Directory Reference


file  ccolumn_bmod.c
 performs numeric block updates
file  ccolumn_dfs.c
 Performs a symbolic factorization.
file  ccopy_to_ucol.c
 Copy a computed column of U to the compressed data structure.
file  cdiagonal.c
 Auxiliary routines to work with diagonal elements.
file  cgscon.c
 Estimates reciprocal of the condition number of a general matrix.
file  cgsequ.c
 Computes row and column scalings.
file  cgsisx.c
 Computes an approximate solutions of linear equations A*X=B or A'*X=B.
file  cgsitrf.c
 Computes an ILU factorization of a general sparse matrix.
file  cgsrfs.c
 Improves computed solution to a system of inear equations.
file  cgssv.c
 Solves the system of linear equations A*X=B.
file  cgssvx.c
 Solves the system of linear equations A*X=B or A'*X=B.
file  cgstrf.c
 Computes an LU factorization of a general sparse matrix.
file  cgstrs.c
 Solves a system using LU factorization.
file  clacon2.c
 Estimates the 1-norm.
file  clangs.c
 Returns the value of the one norm.
file  claqgs.c
 Equlibrates a general sprase matrix.
file  cldperm.c
 Finds a row permutation so that the matrix has large entries on the diagonal.
file  cmemory.c
 Memory details.
file  cmyblas2.c
 Level 2 Blas operations.
file  colamd.c
file  colamd.h [code]
file  cpanel_bmod.c
 Performs numeric block updates.
file  cpanel_dfs.c
 Peforms a symbolic factorization on a panel of symbols.
file  cpivotgrowth.c
 Computes the reciprocal pivot growth factor.
file  cpivotL.c
 Performs numerical pivoting.
file  cpruneL.c
 Prunes the L-structure.
file  creadhb.c
 Read a matrix stored in Harwell-Boeing format.
file  creadMM.c
 Read a matrix stored in Harwell-Boeing format. Contributed by Francois-Henry Rouet.
file  creadrb.c
 Read a matrix stored in Rutherford-Boeing format.
file  creadtriple.c
 Read a matrix stored in triplet (coordinate) format.
file  csnode_bmod.c
 Performs numeric block updates within the relaxed snode.
file  csnode_dfs.c
 Determines the union of row structures of columns within the relaxed node.
file  csp_blas2.c
 Sparse BLAS 2, using some dense BLAS 2 operations.
file  csp_blas3.c
 Sparse BLAS3, using some dense BLAS3 operations.
file  cutil.c
 Matrix utility functions.
file  dcolumn_bmod.c
 performs numeric block updates
file  dcolumn_dfs.c
 Performs a symbolic factorization.
file  dcomplex.c
 Common arithmetic for complex type.
file  dcopy_to_ucol.c
 Copy a computed column of U to the compressed data structure.
file  ddiagonal.c
 Auxiliary routines to work with diagonal elements.
file  dGetDiagU.c
 Extracts main diagonal of matrix.
file  dgscon.c
 Estimates reciprocal of the condition number of a general matrix.
file  dgsequ.c
 Computes row and column scalings.
file  dgsisx.c
 Computes an approximate solutions of linear equations A*X=B or A'*X=B.
file  dgsitrf.c
 Computes an ILU factorization of a general sparse matrix.
file  dgsrfs.c
 Improves computed solution to a system of inear equations.
file  dgssv.c
 Solves the system of linear equations A*X=B.
file  dgssvx.c
 Solves the system of linear equations A*X=B or A'*X=B.
file  dgstrf.c
 Computes an LU factorization of a general sparse matrix.
file  dgstrs.c
 Solves a system using LU factorization.
file  dlacon2.c
 Estimates the 1-norm.
file  dlangs.c
 Returns the value of the one norm.
file  dlaqgs.c
 Equlibrates a general sprase matrix.
file  dldperm.c
 Finds a row permutation so that the matrix has large entries on the diagonal.
file  dmach.c
file  dmemory.c
 Memory details.
file  dmyblas2.c
 Level 2 Blas operations.
file  dpanel_bmod.c
 Performs numeric block updates.
file  dpanel_dfs.c
 Peforms a symbolic factorization on a panel of symbols.
file  dpivotgrowth.c
 Computes the reciprocal pivot growth factor.
file  dpivotL.c
 Performs numerical pivoting.
file  dpruneL.c
 Prunes the L-structure.
file  dreadhb.c
 Read a matrix stored in Harwell-Boeing format.
file  dreadMM.c
 Read a matrix stored in Harwell-Boeing format. Contributed by Francois-Henry Rouet.
file  dreadrb.c
 Read a matrix stored in Rutherford-Boeing format.
file  dreadtriple.c
 Read a matrix stored in triplet (coordinate) format.
file  dsnode_bmod.c
 Performs numeric block updates within the relaxed snode.
file  dsnode_dfs.c
 Determines the union of row structures of columns within the relaxed node.
file  dsp_blas2.c
 Sparse BLAS 2, using some dense BLAS 2 operations.
file  dsp_blas3.c
 Sparse BLAS3, using some dense BLAS3 operations.
file  dutil.c
 Matrix utility functions.
file  dzsum1.c
 Takes sum of the absolute values of a complex vector and returns a double precision result.
file  get_perm_c.c
 Matrix permutation operations.
file  heap_relax_snode.c
 Identify the initial relaxed supernodes.
file  icmax1.c
 Finds the index of the element whose real part has maximum absolute value.
file  ilu_ccolumn_dfs.c
 Performs a symbolic factorization.
file  ilu_ccopy_to_ucol.c
 Copy a computed column of U to the compressed data structure and drop some small entries.
file  ilu_cdrop_row.c
 Drop small rows from L.
file  ilu_cpanel_dfs.c
 Peforms a symbolic factorization on a panel of symbols and record the entries with maximum absolute value in each column.
file  ilu_cpivotL.c
 Performs numerical pivoting.
file  ilu_csnode_dfs.c
 Determines the union of row structures of columns within the relaxed node.
file  ilu_dcolumn_dfs.c
 Performs a symbolic factorization.
file  ilu_dcopy_to_ucol.c
 Copy a computed column of U to the compressed data structure and drop some small entries.
file  ilu_ddrop_row.c
 Drop small rows from L.
file  ilu_dpanel_dfs.c
 Peforms a symbolic factorization on a panel of symbols and record the entries with maximum absolute value in each column.
file  ilu_dpivotL.c
 Performs numerical pivoting.
file  ilu_dsnode_dfs.c
 Determines the union of row structures of columns within the relaxed node.
file  ilu_heap_relax_snode.c
 Identify the initial relaxed supernodes.
file  ilu_relax_snode.c
 Identify initial relaxed supernodes.
file  ilu_scolumn_dfs.c
 Performs a symbolic factorization.
file  ilu_scopy_to_ucol.c
 Copy a computed column of U to the compressed data structure and drop some small entries.
file  ilu_sdrop_row.c
 Drop small rows from L.
file  ilu_spanel_dfs.c
 Peforms a symbolic factorization on a panel of symbols and record the entries with maximum absolute value in each column.
file  ilu_spivotL.c
 Performs numerical pivoting.
file  ilu_ssnode_dfs.c
 Determines the union of row structures of columns within the relaxed node.
file  ilu_zcolumn_dfs.c
 Performs a symbolic factorization.
file  ilu_zcopy_to_ucol.c
 Copy a computed column of U to the compressed data structure and drop some small entries.
file  ilu_zdrop_row.c
 Drop small rows from L.
file  ilu_zpanel_dfs.c
 Peforms a symbolic factorization on a panel of symbols and record the entries with maximum absolute value in each column.
file  ilu_zpivotL.c
 Performs numerical pivoting.
file  ilu_zsnode_dfs.c
 Determines the union of row structures of columns within the relaxed node.
file  input_error.c
 Error handler for input parameters.
file  izmax1.c
 Finds the index of the element whose real part has maximum absolute value.
file  mainpage.h [code]
file  mark_relax.c
 Record the rows pivoted by the relaxed supernodes.
file  mc64ad.c
file  memory.c
 Precision-independent memory-related routines.
file  mmd.c
file  qselect.c
 Quickselect: returns the k-th (zero-based) largest value in A[].
file  relax_snode.c
 Identify initial relaxed supernodes.
file  scolumn_bmod.c
 performs numeric block updates
file  scolumn_dfs.c
 Performs a symbolic factorization.
file  scomplex.c
 Common arithmetic for complex type.
file  scopy_to_ucol.c
 Copy a computed column of U to the compressed data structure.
file  scsum1.c
 Takes sum of the absolute values of a complex vector and returns a single precision result.
file  sdiagonal.c
 Auxiliary routines to work with diagonal elements.
file  sgscon.c
 Estimates reciprocal of the condition number of a general matrix.
file  sgsequ.c
 Computes row and column scalings.
file  sgsisx.c
 Computes an approximate solutions of linear equations A*X=B or A'*X=B.
file  sgsitrf.c
 Computes an ILU factorization of a general sparse matrix.
file  sgsrfs.c
 Improves computed solution to a system of inear equations.
file  sgssv.c
 Solves the system of linear equations A*X=B.
file  sgssvx.c
 Solves the system of linear equations A*X=B or A'*X=B.
file  sgstrf.c
 Computes an LU factorization of a general sparse matrix.
file  sgstrs.c
 Solves a system using LU factorization.
file  slacon2.c
 Estimates the 1-norm.
file  slangs.c
 Returns the value of the one norm.
file  slaqgs.c
 Equlibrates a general sprase matrix.
file  sldperm.c
 Finds a row permutation so that the matrix has large entries on the diagonal.
file  slu_cdefs.h [code]
 Header file for real operations.
file  slu_Cnames.h [code]
 Macros defining how C routines will be called.
file  slu_dcomplex.h [code]
 Header file for complex operations.
file  slu_ddefs.h [code]
 Header file for real operations.
file  slu_scomplex.h [code]
 Header file for complex operations.
file  slu_sdefs.h [code]
 Header file for real operations.
file  slu_util.h [code]
 Utility header file.
file  slu_zdefs.h [code]
 Header file for real operations.
file  smach.c
file  smemory.c
 Memory details.
file  smyblas2.c
 Level 2 Blas operations.
file  sp_coletree.c
 Tree layout and computation routines.
file  sp_ienv.c
 Chooses machine-dependent parameters for the local environment.
file  sp_preorder.c
 Permute and performs functions on columns of orginal matrix.
file  spanel_bmod.c
 Performs numeric block updates.
file  spanel_dfs.c
 Peforms a symbolic factorization on a panel of symbols.
file  spivotgrowth.c
 Computes the reciprocal pivot growth factor.
file  spivotL.c
 Performs numerical pivoting.
file  spruneL.c
 Prunes the L-structure.
file  sreadhb.c
 Read a matrix stored in Harwell-Boeing format.
file  sreadMM.c
 Read a matrix stored in Harwell-Boeing format. Contributed by Francois-Henry Rouet.
file  sreadrb.c
 Read a matrix stored in Rutherford-Boeing format.
file  sreadtriple.c
 Read a matrix stored in triplet (coordinate) format.
file  ssnode_bmod.c
 Performs numeric block updates within the relaxed snode.
file  ssnode_dfs.c
 Determines the union of row structures of columns within the relaxed node.
file  ssp_blas2.c
 Sparse BLAS 2, using some dense BLAS 2 operations.
file  ssp_blas3.c
 Sparse BLAS3, using some dense BLAS3 operations.
file  superlu_config.h [code]
file  superlu_enum_consts.h [code]
 enum constants header file
file  superlu_timer.c
 Returns the time used.
file  supermatrix.h [code]
 Matrix type definitions.
file  sutil.c
 Matrix utility functions.
file  util.c
 Utility functions.
file  zcolumn_bmod.c
 performs numeric block updates
file  zcolumn_dfs.c
 Performs a symbolic factorization.
file  zcopy_to_ucol.c
 Copy a computed column of U to the compressed data structure.
file  zdiagonal.c
 Auxiliary routines to work with diagonal elements.
file  zgscon.c
 Estimates reciprocal of the condition number of a general matrix.
file  zgsequ.c
 Computes row and column scalings.
file  zgsisx.c
 Computes an approximate solutions of linear equations A*X=B or A'*X=B.
file  zgsitrf.c
 Computes an ILU factorization of a general sparse matrix.
file  zgsrfs.c
 Improves computed solution to a system of inear equations.
file  zgssv.c
 Solves the system of linear equations A*X=B.
file  zgssvx.c
 Solves the system of linear equations A*X=B or A'*X=B.
file  zgstrf.c
 Computes an LU factorization of a general sparse matrix.
file  zgstrs.c
 Solves a system using LU factorization.
file  zlacon2.c
 Estimates the 1-norm.
file  zlangs.c
 Returns the value of the one norm.
file  zlaqgs.c
 Equlibrates a general sprase matrix.
file  zldperm.c
 Finds a row permutation so that the matrix has large entries on the diagonal.
file  zmemory.c
 Memory details.
file  zmyblas2.c
 Level 2 Blas operations.
file  zpanel_bmod.c
 Performs numeric block updates.
file  zpanel_dfs.c
 Peforms a symbolic factorization on a panel of symbols.
file  zpivotgrowth.c
 Computes the reciprocal pivot growth factor.
file  zpivotL.c
 Performs numerical pivoting.
file  zpruneL.c
 Prunes the L-structure.
file  zreadhb.c
 Read a matrix stored in Harwell-Boeing format.
file  zreadMM.c
 Read a matrix stored in Harwell-Boeing format. Contributed by Francois-Henry Rouet.
file  zreadrb.c
 Read a matrix stored in Rutherford-Boeing format.
file  zreadtriple.c
 Read a matrix stored in triplet (coordinate) format.
file  zsnode_bmod.c
 Performs numeric block updates within the relaxed snode.
file  zsnode_dfs.c
 Determines the union of row structures of columns within the relaxed node.
file  zsp_blas2.c
 Sparse BLAS 2, using some dense BLAS 2 operations.
file  zsp_blas3.c
 Sparse BLAS3, using some dense BLAS3 operations.
file  zutil.c
 Matrix utility functions.