SuperLU Distributed 8.2.1
Distributed memory sparse direct solver
superlu_mod.f90 File Reference

This module contains Fortran-side wrappers for the SuperLU get/set functions. More...


module  superlu_mod


subroutine superlu_mod::get_gridinfo (grid, iam, nprow, npcol, npdep)
subroutine superlu_mod::get_supermatrix (A, nrow, ncol)
subroutine superlu_mod::set_supermatrix (A, nrow, ncol)
subroutine superlu_mod::get_comprowloc_matrix (A, nrow, ncol, nnz_loc, nrow_loc, fst_row)
subroutine superlu_mod::set_comprowloc_matrix (A, nrow, ncol, nnz_loc, nrow_loc, fst_row)
subroutine superlu_mod::get_superlu_options (opt, Fact, Equil, ParSymbFact, ColPerm, RowPerm, IterRefine, Trans, ReplaceTinyPivot, SolveInitialized, RefineInitialized, PrintStat)
subroutine superlu_mod::set_superlu_options (opt, Fact, Equil, ParSymbFact, ColPerm, RowPerm, IterRefine, Trans, ReplaceTinyPivot, SolveInitialized, RefineInitialized, PrintStat)

Detailed Description

This module contains Fortran-side wrappers for the SuperLU get/set functions.

 -- Distributed SuperLU routine (version 7.0) --
 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Univ. of California Berkeley.
 Last update: December 31, 2020