SuperLU Distributed 8.2.1
Distributed memory sparse direct solver
dcreate_dist_matrix.c File Reference

Distribute the input matrix in a distributed compressed row format. More...

#include <math.h>
#include "superlu_ddefs.h"
Include dependency graph for dcreate_dist_matrix.c:


int dcreate_dist_matrix (SuperMatrix *A, int_t m, int_t n, int_t nnz, double *nzval_g, int_t *rowind_g, int_t *colptr_g, gridinfo_t *grid)

Detailed Description

Distribute the input matrix in a distributed compressed row format.

Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from U.S. Dept. of Energy)

All rights reserved.

The source code is distributed under BSD license, see the file License.txt at the top-level directory.

-- Distributed SuperLU routine (version 3.2) --
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Univ. of California Berkeley.
October 2012


DCREATE_DIST_MATRIX reads the global matrix from three input arrays
and distribute it to the processes in a distributed compressed row format.


A             (output) SuperMatrix*
              Local matrix A in NR_loc format. 

M             (input) int_t
              The row number of the global matrix. 

N             (input) int_t
              The col number of the global matrix. 

NNZ           (input) int_t
              The number nonzeros in the global matrix. 

NZVAL_G       (input) double*
              Nonzero values of the global matrix. 

ROWIND_G      (input) int_t*
              Row indices of the global matrix. 

COLPTR_G      (input) int_t*
              Columns pointers of the global matrix. 

GRID          (input) gridinof_t*
              The 2D process mesh.

Function Documentation

◆ dcreate_dist_matrix()

int dcreate_dist_matrix ( SuperMatrix A,
int_t  m,
int_t  n,
int_t  nnz,
double *  nzval_g,
int_t rowind_g,
int_t colptr_g,
gridinfo_t grid 
Here is the call graph for this function: