SuperLU 6.0.1

Examples of how to use SuperLU. More...


file  cfgmr.c
 Flexible GMRES from ITSOL developed by Yousef Saad.
file  citersol.c
 Example #1 showing how to use ILU to precondition GMRES.
file  citersol1.c
 Example #2 showing how to use ILU to precondition GMRES.
file  clinsol.c
 LU factorization from CGSTRF (CGSSV)
file  clinsol1.c
 LU factorization from CGSTRF (CGSSV)
file  clinsolx.c
 LU factorization from cgstrf (CGSSVX)
file  clinsolx1.c
 LU factorization from cgstrf (CGSSVX)
file  clinsolx2.c
 CGSSVX to solve systems repeatedly with the same sparsity pattern of matrix A.
file  clinsolx3.c
 CGSSVX to solve systems repeatedly with the same sparsity pattern of matrix A.
file  dfgmr.c
 flexible GMRES from ITSOL developed by Yousef Saad.
file  ditersol.c
 Example #1 showing how to use ILU to precondition GMRES.
file  ditersol1.c
 Example #2 showing how to use ILU to precondition GMRES.
file  dlinsol.c
 LU factorization from dgstrf (DGSSV)
file  dlinsol1.c
 LU factorization from dgstrf (DGSSV)
file  dlinsolx.c
file  dlinsolx1.c
 factorization from dgstrf (DGSSVX)
file  dlinsolx2.c
 DGSSVX to solve systems repeatedly with the same sparsity pattern of matrix A.
file  dlinsolx3.c
 DGSSVX to solve systems repeatedly with the same sparsity pattern of matrix A.
file  dreadtriple_noheader.c
 Read matrix in triplet format.
file  sfgmr.c
 flexible GMRES from ITSOL developed by Yousef Saad.
file  sitersol.c
 Example #1 showing how to use ILU to precondition GMRES.
file  sitersol1.c
 Example #2 showing how to use ILU to precondition GMRES.
file  slinsol.c
 LU factorization from dgstrf (DGSSV)
file  slinsol1.c
 LU factorization from dgstrf (DGSSV)
file  slinsolx.c
 factorization from dgstrf (DGSSVX)
file  slinsolx1.c
 factorization from dgstrf (DGSSVX)
file  slinsolx2.c
 DGSSVX to solve systems repeatedly with the same sparsity pattern of matrix A.
file  slinsolx3.c
 DGSSVX to solve systems repeatedly with the same sparsity pattern of matrix A.
file  sp_ienv.c
 Chooses machine-dependent parameters for the local environment.
file  superlu.c
 a small 5x5 example
file  zfgmr.c
 flexible GMRES from ITSOL developed by Yousef Saad.
file  zitersol.c
 Example #1 showing how to use ILU to precondition GMRES.
file  zitersol1.c
 Example #2 showing how to use ILU to precondition GMRES.
file  zlinsol.c
 LU factorization from zgstrf (ZGSSV)
file  zlinsol1.c
 LU factorization from zgstrf (ZGSSV)
file  zlinsolx.c
 LU factorization from zgstrf (ZGSSVX)
file  zlinsolx1.c
 ZGSSVX to solve systems with the same matrix but different right-hand side.
file  zlinsolx2.c
 ZGSSVX to solve systems repeatedly with the same sparsity pattern of matrix A.
file  zlinsolx3.c
 ZGSSVX to solve systems repeatedly with the same sparsity pattern of matrix A.

Detailed Description

Various examples.